Our Services
We partner with farmers at the grass root i.e smallholder farmers who constitute about 70% of the Nigerian population because we believe that quality low-cost input made available to grass root farmers in a timely fashion will advance our course and put us a mile further toward fulfilling our dream of ending global food crisis.
Access to High-quality Inputs at Affordable Prices
Credit Facility
Training and Extension Services
Guaranteed Offtake
Access to high-quality inputs at affordable prices: Access to input and Market is considered one of the key drivers in increasing agricultural productivity. However, the smallholder farmer is faced with many challenges ranging from, shortage of inputs that threatens productivity, high cost of inputs, inflation, and low bargaining power
To solve this problem we provide farmers with high-quality inputs that are affordable because we make it a point of duty to ensure we;
Negotiate the best possible prices with manufacturers.
Bring the inputs to the farmer communities for easy pick up to eliminate the extra cost incurred on travel to and fro the market.
Because most smallholder farmers are uneducated and not banked,(i.e. have no credit history) it has become increasingly difficult for them to access commercial loans, and are therefore sealed to their fate of farming only what their cash at hand can afford them.
We provide our farmers with credit whether or not they have a bank account or credit history by making them into clusters of trusted team members within the same community.
We ensure our farmers are adequately trained on good agricultural practices and advisory services throughout the season to improve their yield.
One of the problems that have plagued smallholder farmers is low bargaining power because of the quantity of their products. We have been able to solve this by providing our farmers access to premium buyers at harvest, therefore getting very good prices for their products at harvest.